Getting Heart Healthy Together
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of the leading causes of death in America. Approximately 600,000 people die every year from heart disease. CAD is one the most common forms of heart disease, which kills close to 400,000 people each year. That is a staggering amount. I know I posted about CAD last week but the upcoming Annual American Heart Association Heart Walk on September 14th is really bring it in close. I work for a cardiology group so the subject of heart disease and heart health should be on my mind all the time. I have to admit that it isn't. Every time I see the statistics of the death rate in America from heart disease, I am blown away. What can we do about it? Well, you start slow and you start TODAY. Make small changes at first that don't seem too hard to accomplish. Maybe only eat dessert twice a week instead of every night. You could take your dog (or cat if you have an animal stroller like me) for a walk. The heat of Summer is dying down so taking a stroll around the block is not like walking into the devil's mouth. Wait until the sun starts going down to take your walk. Get your children involved. It's never to late to start teaching good habits to your kids. As a diabetic, I know I need to watch my heart health a little closer now. I am pledging to get at least 30 minutes of exercise (something active) every day. My goal is to lose 20 lbs by the new year. I'll keep you updated on my progress.
I want to invite everyone to come out to the Heart Walk this year. It is for a great cause, bringing awareness to heart health. The link for more information on the Heart Walk is below.
Dallas Heart Walk:https://www2.heart.org/site/TR?fr_id=4431&pg=entry
Tarrant Count Heart Walk: https://www2.heart.org/site/TR?fr_id=4325&pg=entry
I also would like to hear from anyone who might be struggling with getting heart healthy. We can come up with some great ideas to help you. There is nothing more precious than our hearts. Doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING. I am including a link to our patient education page on CAD in case you want to learn more about heart disease.