A racing heartbeat, fluttering in your chest, and chest pain may signal a heart arrhythmia. Abnormal heart rhythms need a prompt evaluation because they put you at risk for heart damage, a stroke, or even sudden cardiac arrest. The exceptional team of cardiac specialists at HeartPlace provide comprehensive care with diagnostic cardiac testing and arrhythmia interventions that restore your heart’s normal rhythm. To get treatment for an abnormal heartbeat, call one of their 30 locations across North Texas, or schedule an appointment online today.
Arrhythmia refers to a fast heart rate (tachycardia), slow heart rate (bradycardia), or an irregular heartbeat. All arrhythmias begin with a problem in the heart’s electrical system, but you can have one of many different arrhythmias, including:
In most cases, arrhythmias begin when you have heart disease or a chronic health condition, such as coronary artery disease, heart muscle disease, or an imbalance of potassium, calcium, or magnesium.
If you have recurrent, unexplained palpitations that fail to appear during an in-office EKG, your provider may recommend an implantable loop recorder.
After your provider installs this small device under your skin, it automatically records your heart’s electrical activity when it detects a change in your heart rhythm.
The skilled team at HeartPlace offer a wide range of advanced interventions for treating arrhythmias, including:
During corrective surgery, called maze surgery, your provider creates lines of scar tissue using a scalpel, cryotherapy (freezing), or radiofrequency, microwave, or laser energy. The scars block the abnormal electrical signals and restore a normal heart rhythm.
An ablation procedure uses radiofrequency energy or cryotherapy (freezing) to destroy the heart tissues triggering your irregular heartbeats.
You may need a temporary pacemaker to stabilize a slow heartbeat after surgery or a heart attack. Your provider implants a permanent pacemaker for long-term treatment of a slow or irregular heartbeat or heart failure.
Defibrillation is an emergency procedure where paddles placed against the outside of your chest send an electric current into your heart. The shock restores a normal heartbeat.
An ICD is a battery-operated device that your provider implants in your chest. The ICD continuously monitors your heart rate and sends an electrical shock into the heart when it detects a chaotic or rapid heart rhythm. Some ICDs also function as a pacemaker, stimulating your heart when a slow heartbeat occurs.
During electrical cardioversion, your provider restores your heart rhythm by placing electrodes on your chest and sending electric shocks into your heart.
Alcohol septal ablation treats hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or thickened heart muscles.
During the noninvasive procedure, your provider guides a thin catheter through the blood vessels and into the thickened area of your heart; then, they send alcohol through the catheter and into the thickened tissue. The alcohol kills some of the heart muscle, thinning the muscle and improving blood flow through your heart.
If you experience a fast heartbeat or feel like your heart flutters, call HeartPlace or immediately book an online appointment.