An echocardiogram is an ultrasound test to evaluate the structure and function of your heart. The skilled cardiologists at HeartPlace perform echocardiograms to assess heart health and diagnose different types of heart disease. To schedule a consultation, call one of the 30 locations in North Texas, or book an appointment online today.
An echocardiogram is an imaging test that provides detailed images of your heart. During the test, your HeartPlace provider uses an ultrasound machine that captures live-action videos of your heart while it pumps blood through the chambers of your heart.
The imaging test allows your cardiologist to see the structure and function of your heart, including your heart valves and heart chambers.
Your cardiologist at HeartPlace may also perform a Doppler ultrasound during your echocardiogram. The Doppler ultrasound allows your cardiologist to monitor the movement of blood through your heart.
HeartPlace performs echocardiograms to diagnose many heart conditions. Your cardiologist may recommend the painless diagnosed test to confirm or rule out:
The echocardiogram also allows your cardiologist to measure the size and assess the shape of your heart.
Your cardiologist provides specific instructions to prepare for your echocardiogram. In most cases, you can eat, drink, and take your usual medications before the test.
You should wear comfortable clothing to the exam and leave all valuable items at home.
The echocardiogram is an in-office test. During the test, you lie on an exam table with patches attached to your chest that record your heart's electrical activity. The cardiologist applies gel and places the ultrasound wand on your chest.
They move the wand around, capturing images of your heart and viewing them on a nearby computer monitor. Your cardiologist may inject a contrast dye into the vein before the echocardiogram to evaluate the movement of blood through the heart.
The echocardiogram is a painless test that takes about an hour.
HeartPlace may also conduct a stress echocardiogram, which evaluates the structure and function of your heart when at rest and then again after exercise. Stress testing helps find heart problems that may only occur when your heart is pumping hard.
There’s no downtime following an echocardiogram, and you can go home and resume your usual activities after the test unless otherwise directed.
Your cardiologist may talk to you about the results during your echocardiogram or schedule a follow-up to review the findings and develop a treatment plan.
Schedule an echocardiogram at HeartPlace by calling the office nearest you or booking an appointment online today.